Postherpetic Neuralgia

Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN) occurs as a result of damage to your nerves during a shingles outbreak.  It can happen in up to 15% of people who have had shingles.  If it has been 3 months or more since your shingles rash healed and you are still experiencing pain, you may be suffering from PHN.

Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN) is a nerve condition where the nerves in the body become damaged or injured after a shingles outbreak.  PHN is a painful condition that affects the nerve fibers and skin. The symptoms of PHN can be different for each person but generally include burning or stabbing pain.  

PHN is believed to be caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox (varicella zoster). After an outbreak of chicken pox, the virus stays dormant in the body and can produce symptoms again when the body's immune system is weakened. When the virus reaches the skin, there is an outbreak of shingles, a very painful skin rash. After the rash and blisters have healed, the persisting pain is PHN. 

PHN can occur in up to 15% of people who have had shingles. It is more likely to develop in people older than age 60 but can occur in younger populations.

The pain and other unpleasant symptoms can sometimes be managed with specialized pain medications, however, some people do not receive relief from current treatments.

To find out about any ongoing research study programs for Postherpetic Neuralgia at MRN, please contact us using the form on this page, or call or text us at (212) 595-5012.